51 50 Learning Disabilities Students with learning disabilities have neurological impairments that interfere with information processing, memory retrieval and output. They have persistent difficulties in learning keystone academic skills including reading and spelling, writing, arithmetic calculation, and mathematical reasoning. Examples of specific learning difficulties include the following: Chapter Four: Diversity on HKUST Campus Chapter Four: Diversity on HKUST Campus Students with different SEN may need different support and adjustments. Some of their disabilities are easily noticeable and accepted by the general public, e.g., physical disabilities, while some are often misunderstood and blamed, e.g., students with ASD showing odd and repetitive behaviors in classroom. Better understanding of SEN can facilitate effective communication. If you have concerns about a SEN student, please contact the SEN Support at sen@ust.hk or (852) 2358 6696, or the Counseling and Wellness Center for advice and support. You may also visit this webpage for more information: http://sen.ust.hk Physical Disabilities Students with physical disabilities need special access arrangement to classrooms and laboratories, as well as special equipment to support their learning. Their limitation in mobility, speaking, hearing and/or vision may cause difficulties and reduce efficiency in study and learning. Chronic Health Problems Students with chronic health disorders experience difficulties participating in their academic programs due to poor physical health such as fatigue, low energy, chronic pain, or poor physical coordination. Flexibility of non-essential attendance requirements may be appropriate. DYSLEXIA Disorder of reading, writing and spelling DYSGRAPHIA Inability to write coherently, problems with accurate spelling and organizing ideas, illegible handwriting DYSCALCULIA Marked difficulty in making arithmetical calculation or computation, remembering mathematical facts and concept of time